Passing Style Analyser

Webapp for the final thesis of the "Football Data Intelligence" course 2022 (by SICS and Soccerment)

This web application has been developed as the final thesis of the “Football Data Intelligence” course 2022 organised by SICS and Soccerment.


GitHub Repo

Thesis (Italian)

App description

With this application, you can analyse the passing style of each Serie A 2021/22 team.

The two main functionalities available are described below.

Full Pitch & Field Tilt Networks

After selected a single matchday or a range of matchdays, it is possible to analyze:

  • a single team,
  • two teams, or
  • all the 20 Serie A teams, by viewing their passing network in the most used formation for the selected matchdays, either visualizing the full-pitch or field-tilt passing network.

Additionally, the user can select the number of minimum passes to be displayed in the passing networks (Note that for multiple matchdays, this value is multiplied by the number of selected matchdays).

Full Pitch & Field Tilt Networks - Selection page
Full Pitch Network - Multiple matchdays/Single team
Full Pitch Network - Multiple matchdays/Two teams
Full Pitch Network - Multiple matchdays/All teams

Match Status Networks

After selected a single matchday or a range of matchdays, and a team, it is possible to analyze the full-pitch passing network for each match status (i.e. winning, drawing, losing) and view their barycenter in the “passing” scenario.

Additionally, the user can decide whether or not to keep the goalkeeper in the barycenter computation, and select the number of minimum passes to be displayed in the passing networks (Note that in this case, for multiple matchdays, this value is NOT multiplied by the number of selected matchdays).

Match Status Networks - Selection page
Match Status Network - Multiple matchdays - Team info
Match Status Network - Multiple matchdays - Pitch